Just Sittin’ Here Thinkin’ Part One

On a winter day…

I was going through the collection of pictures that were taken at the garden and I couldn’t help but reflect on the trials and tribulations of this summer’s garden program.  Many have been addressed in earlier blogs so I do not have to go into great detail here and now.    All I will say is that it was a summer that was hot as hell and as dry as the Sahara on one end of the spectrum to rain forest-like ecosystem at the other.  There was definitely a time when I thought it was all in vain but then the weather changed and we got rain, and lots of it.  As the locals here know it was hot, tropically hot and humid but it was the right type of hot and humidity that nourished the plants back to life.  It’s not such a stretch to have felt that that was the gardens’ biblical moment…like a miracle the rain poured from the sky and everything grew and grew to alien proportions.  Not really, but as you will see it turned out nicely.  And most importantly, our kids once again took home bags and bags of fresh vegetables!


Cheery Cherry Tomatoes!

Cheery Cherry Tomatoes!




We planted watermelon that actually grew big enough to steal (we lost two to thieves), but everything ultimately worked out (more on that later)




Popcorn…perfect snack for squirrels and other varmints!


Our "Field of Dreams"!

Our “Field of Dreams”!


A forest of kale!

A forest of kale!


Digital Camera



These pepper plants will be very productive!

These pepper plants will be very productive!



This alien looking plant is Okra!  It was the only one to survive the drought-like conditions in June and early July. 




Pretty vine!

Pretty vine!

The picture above is the result of two surviving sweet potato sets.  We planted 11, but all but two were vandalized and pulled out of the ground.  In spite of the difficult start, we were surprised by the very impressive yield produced by the surviving plants.  Think size 12 shoes!!!


Orange tomatoes!

Orange tomatoes!



Second planting of collard greens…everybody got some!


Collards ready for harvest!

Collards ready for harvest!


Future star of "The Pickle Story"!

Future star of “The Pickle Recipe II” movie!





First harvest!

First harvest!





To be continued…Part Two

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