Posts tagged Bonnie Odom-Brown

Just Sittin’ Here Thinkin’ Part One

On a winter day…

I was going through the collection of pictures that were taken at the garden and I couldn’t help but reflect on the trials and tribulations of this summer’s garden program.  Many have been addressed in earlier blogs so I do not have to go into great detail here and now.    All I will say is that it was a summer that was hot as hell and as dry as the Sahara on one end of the spectrum to rain forest-like ecosystem at the other.  There was definitely a time when I thought it was all in vain but then the weather changed and we got rain, and lots of it.  As the locals here know it was hot, tropically hot and humid but it was the right type of hot and humidity that nourished the plants back to life.  It’s not such a stretch to have felt that that was the gardens’ biblical moment…like a miracle the rain poured from the sky and everything grew and grew to alien proportions.  Not really, but as you will see it turned out nicely.  And most importantly, our kids once again took home bags and bags of fresh vegetables!


Cheery Cherry Tomatoes!

Cheery Cherry Tomatoes!




We planted watermelon that actually grew big enough to steal (we lost two to thieves), but everything ultimately worked out (more on that later)




Popcorn…perfect snack for squirrels and other varmints!


Our "Field of Dreams"!

Our “Field of Dreams”!


A forest of kale!

A forest of kale!


Digital Camera



These pepper plants will be very productive!

These pepper plants will be very productive!



This alien looking plant is Okra!  It was the only one to survive the drought-like conditions in June and early July. 




Pretty vine!

Pretty vine!

The picture above is the result of two surviving sweet potato sets.  We planted 11, but all but two were vandalized and pulled out of the ground.  In spite of the difficult start, we were surprised by the very impressive yield produced by the surviving plants.  Think size 12 shoes!!!


Orange tomatoes!

Orange tomatoes!



Second planting of collard greens…everybody got some!


Collards ready for harvest!

Collards ready for harvest!


Future star of "The Pickle Story"!

Future star of “The Pickle Recipe II” movie!





First harvest!

First harvest!





To be continued…Part Two

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Just Sittin’ Here Thinkin’ Part Two

One of the unavoidable challenges we face with a school garden is what to do when school is on break and the kids are unable to get out there.  We basically go into maintenance mode.  Before school lets out, the children have already had a taste of the good things yet to come by harvesting strawberries, peas, radishes, beets, etc., all quick-to-grow vegetables that were planted in April and May.  In maintenance mode we work to ensure that the kids have something to look forward to and come back for…and boy do they come back!




Mother and son enjoying the fruit of his labor!

Mother and son enjoying the fruits of his labor…picking tomatoes!



Another big harvest day in August!

Another big harvest day in August!






Remember these from Part One?

Remember these from Part One?


The start of something sweet!

The start of something sweet!

To be continued…Part Three

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Just Sittin’ Here Thinkin’ Part Three

It’s after Labor Day and the kids have returned to school and the garden.  The weather, much to our surprise, has enabled the garden to peak at just the right time.  We set the following timeline for the remaining weeks of the garden…

Week of 9/12

Kale; Cherry Tomatoes; Eggplant; Squash

Week of 9/19

Potatoes; Tomatoes; Peppers

Week of 9/26

Peppers; Lettuces; Popcorn

Week of 10/3

Collard Greens; Sweet Potatoes


Unfortunately, the weather didn’t quite cooperate with us and it remained warm enough to extend the growing periods and harvest production of several plants.





Popcorn or Birdseed?

Popcorn or Birdseed?



Digging up potatoes…




This could be the start of something big!

Oops…a worm!  Let’s chase Arthur!!!


A lot of small ones to start!

A lot of small ones to start!









Still something out there…


A teacher and her son!

A teacher and her son!


The vice principal doing some grocery shopping!

The vice principal doing some grocery shopping!


Not the last of these!

Not the last of these!



 To be continued…Part Four


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Just Sittin’ Here Thinkin’ Part Four

The Great Watermelon Experiment!

One of the most anticipated events was the watermelon harvest.  After all, we had been trying to grow this plant for quite a few years without much luck.  This year, despite the fact we lost two melons early on to theft, our dream was going to be fulfilled.  We hid the remaining melons until they had grown to term and were ready for harvest.

But that’s not all we did…lol. Instead of growing the more traditional melons like “Jubilee” and “Stars and Stripes”, we grew a hybrid called “Yellow Doll” and it’s fruit was yellow instead of pink!  Our kids were surprised and at the same time disappointed.  Though it looked like a watermelon on the outside, it didn’t on the inside and therefore it tasted foreign to them.  Being allergic to melons, I was no help to them as I dared not touch the flesh.  To some of the kids it tasted more like a cucumber and for a few others it had no taste.  But for the majority of them though it may have looked like a watermelon on the outside, it definitely was not on the inside.  So much for the “looks like a duck, walks like a duck” theory!




Digital Camera


Remember those sweet potatoes I talked about in Part 1?  Well take a look!






So all in all it was a very good year.  The kids had fun…they got plenty of food to take home that they grew…we had fun…lots of fun and we are looking forward to next year, Spring 2017!


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Simply Irresistible!

2016 will be a much different year than previous years at the Nolan Elementary-Middle School “Planting the Seeds” garden in Detroit.  We have taken steps to change the look and feel of the garden and we are growing a slew of new crops that hopefully will make this year’s efforts more fulfilling and fun for our young growers.  Much thanks goes out to our supporting sponsor, Snelling Staffing Solutions!  They came out on a chilly April morning to build the new beds, clean out the old ones and plant some cold-weather crops in the ground.  We really appreciate all that they have done!

We would also like to announce that Be Culturally Exposed, led by Bonnie Odom-Brown, received yet another grant for $1000 from the Healthy Environment Partnership (  We are very excited to be recognized once again for our efforts for maintaining this community garden and working with children and to receive the additional support.

What’s New?

New in 2016 will be 10 raised beds!  Our original beds were placed in 2011 and served us well until vandals and the weather caused a few of them to rot and decay.  We got 5 good years out of them but they had become a safety concern as they were breaking down and splintering.

Blueberries are new in 2016 also!  We actually planted the new bushes last fall (Oct. 2015) and we were very fortunate they made it through the winter.  It takes a number of years for the bushes to get established and to produce fruit, but we will be ready when they are.

We are also going to try to grow celery, popcorn, peanuts, okra and various winter squash.  It is vitally important that we continue to add new crops to the garden as it enhances the appeal to our young gardeners, primarily those who have come back from previous years.

Lastly, from an editorial standpoint we are going to introduce more recipes using the vegetables we are growing in the garden.


April – Cold Weather Crop Distribution & New Bed Construction

And a way she goes!

And a way she goes!

 April 23rd

Getting Started!


Breaking out into teams!












One wheelbarrow load at a time!

One wheelbarrow load at a time!



 May 3rd

Blueberry Bushes and Curly Kale


Collard Greens

Collard Greens


Planting Celery

Planting Celery


Planting lettuces!

Planting lettuces!


Planting Onions and Leeks

Planting Onions and Leeks


The villagers have gathered!

The villagers have gathered!


Yeah, I Got It!

Yeah, I Got It!

 May 5th

Planting Potatoes...

Planting Potatoes…

May 17th

Keep Growing Detroit came out to test the soil!

Keep Growing Detroit came out to test the soil!

 May 19th

Hot Crop Distribution Day at Earthworks!

Hot Crop Distribution Day at Earthworks!  Oops, excuse my thumb!


What a crowd!

What a crowd!



I got some tootsie rolls and some candy corn!

I got some tootsie rolls and some candy corn!

May 24th

Cabbages 1 Month

Cabbages @ 1 Month


Broccoli 1 month

Broccoli @ 1 month


Pretty lettuces in a row @ 1 month

Pretty lettuces in a row @ 1 month


We need to weed this kale and blueberry bed @ 1 month

We need to weed this kale and blueberry bed @ 1 month


Red Skin and Blue Potatoes 3 weeks

Red Skin and Blue Potatoes @ 3 weeks!



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Lookin’ Back!

It was just another day in the garden when I spied crawling slowly through the blades of grass a huge tomato worm.  It was camouflaged smartly so as to hide itself from its predators but it did not escape my watchful eye as I was tending the garden with the assistance of our student gardeners and a host of volunteers.  Tomatoe-horn-worm2Seeing this as another learning moment I jumped at the opportunity to draw the attention of the nearby kids to this fearless destroyer of tomato plants.  After a cascade of oohs and ahs…”what is that…oh, it’s nasty…can I touch it” type comments one little girl, who goes by the name of Jade, turned, looked down to see what everybody was talking about.  Her eyes opened wide and then with her “little big foot” she just stepped on the caterpillar.  She SMASHED it!  She then looked around at all the other kids, wiped her shoe on the grass, shrugged her shoulders as if she couldn’t understand what all the fuss was all about and why is it always left to her to do all of the dirty work.  AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh, it is wonderful to be outdoors and working with kids!

For many people, the idea of city school kids actively participating in gardening, urban farming if you will, just doesn’t make sense.  These kids are expected to be running the streets, playing sports or just gaming on either their cell phones or an x-box.  Gardening?  It’s not cool!  It’s not urbane!  It’s…it’s…well, it’s COUNTRY!  How is that FUN?

It was the spring of 2011 that we first started the garden here at Nolan Elementary-Middle School.  Since then we have had 4 different principals and we have been fortunate that each one has seen the educational and recreational benefit the garden provides for its students.  They see that one of its many values is its ability to be used as an extension of the classroom.  We teach math in our garden…measuring and calculating.  We teach science too.  Reading comes into play also.  We encourage leadership and teamwork skills.  They learn how to collaborate.  The garden, for them, is a place where their imaginations can run free and their minds can be as fertile as the soil they are playing/working in.  Here they can experience the wonder of growth and the humility that comes from understanding the power of what one seed can do.  The garden reflects the realities of life and the benefits of investment, commitment and hard work.  That might sound a little heavy for a bunch of 8, 9 and 10 year-olds, but amazingly they get it.

So here we are in 2016 getting ready to nurture our future world leaders from the ground up.  It is here where they will learn about sustainability and gain a deeper appreciation for the environment.  They are participating in the oldest rituals in the world…sowing, tending, and harvesting their own food.  There’s no better substitute!


Nolan First Day DSCN0530[1]


Nolan Garden 6.18.11 - 018


Nolan Garden 6.18.11 - 019


Maura IMG_2160-3 

 Maura IMG_2149-2


 Garden June 201229


Garden June 20126 

Garden breakdown photo 217[1]








 Nolan Garden 2013-18













 Cabbage Harvest


Pumpkin Seeds-2


Pumpkin Seeds 4


Pumpkin Seeds 5


Weighting Produce


Fruits of our labor-1




B.E. Culturally Exposed

Bonnie Odom-Brown

MIFCU logo and tagline

Andy Daily


Maura Ryan-Kaiser


Arthur Littsey

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The Major “Get” of 2015

October 2015 BE Culturally Exposed, the organizer of the garden at Nolan Elementary-Middle School, participated in the Detroit Community Development Awards “People’s Choice Awards” which was presented by Comerica Bank.  This was the first year of the People’s Choice Award and the winners would come from 7 geographically defined districts in the City of Detroit.  Each winner would be given $1000 and would be determined by an online voting program where supporters could vote as often as they’d like, once a day, during a 15-day period.


Winning out of District 3 was BE Culturally Exposed!  We contribute our success to the online efforts of friends, volunteers and supporters, you know “people who know somebody that knows somebody”.  We used every social marketing tool that was available for us to use to reach out to our constituents to get them to vote not just once but as frequent as the rules allowed.  It was a social networking miracle that enabled us to compete with other “more recognized or established” programs.  But like the little engine that could…we did, we won and it couldn’t have come at a better time.


We were vandalized at the end of the year by some individuals that do not appreciate what we are doing for the students of Nolan, the school, families and the community immediately adjacent to the school and several of the beds were in need of repair.  That’s where the award money is going…new raised beds!  New beds will be easier and safer for the young gardeners to manage.  Plus, we suspect they will be slightly more durable.  Lastly, they are modular, so we should be able to come up with some unique bed formations that may fuel their creative minds.


We also received a sizeable donation from Michigan First Credit Union toward the repair of the beds.  Lowe’s Home Improvement then stepped up big time by selling us some beds at cost, donating several more and providing soil upgrading materials at cost. We were able to feed and upgrade the soil conditions of each bed, including the new ones!


So a Big THANK YOU to all of our friends and supporters (the people that know somebody) that voted and helped us win the $1000 award.  Thanks to Michigan First Credit Union (Andy Daily) for their continued support and thanks to Lowe’s Home Improvement for their timely contribution.


This was so much fun, let’s do it again!


Bonnie Odom-Brown

B.E. Culturally Exposed


Maura Ryan-Kaiser

MIFCU logo and tagline

Andy Daily, Bus. Development/Community Dev.


Arthur Littsey

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Through the Eyes of a Child!

This year at the garden, like every year before, our primary sponsor, Maura Ryan-Kaiser, brought her camera to the garden and let the students take charge of taking pictures for a day or two. The amazing thing is that the kids do not see this as n opportunity to goof off…take pictures of each other doing stupid things or their cute little shoes.  They see this it as a chance to show off their photographic skills. I would be the first to admit that they do a much better job of it than I, capturing each others excitement, working and having fun in the garden. If I had to choose only one word that describes how they feel about their garden it would have to be the word “proud”. These kids, from the 1st grade all the way up to the 8th, are very proud of their school garden and all it represents. This year’s garden says a lot about the kids that came out on Tuesdays and Thursdays to plant, weed, water and ultimately harvest the fruits of their labor. Take a look and you will see what I mean…

You and me are going to be partners…



You and me are going to be pals!





When you’re smiling…






The whole world smiles with you!




Gray skies are going to clear up






Put on a happy face!






Are you smiling?  I bet you are!

Put on a Happy Face

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Dig Them Potatoes!

“It’s the latest, it’s the greatest
Mashed Potato, ya, ya, ya-e-eah!

Mashed Potato started along time ago
With a guy named Sloppy Joe!”*

Ahhhhhhhh…sweet, sweet memories! The chart-topping hit song that inspired the dance, undoubtedly inspired many a youth, myself included, to eat potatoes…mashed or otherwise. And starting two years ago, potatoes have become a hit at Nolan’s “Planting the Seed” garden. Our first attempt to grow potatoes was such a success that we had to grow them again this year and grow they did, we had a fantastic crop.

Taking care of the bed!

Taking care of the bed!

So green!

So lush…so green!

Who knows what secrets lie below ground?

Who knows what secrets lie below ground?

Are they ready?  They gotta be ready?

Are they ready? They gotta be ready?

As members of “Keep Growing Detroit”, my sister Jenni and I were able to combine what we got as participants of the program along with what Bonnie Odom-Brown received also, to insure that we were going to be able to plant a considerable amount of “seed pieces” to begin with. It can’t be stressed enough how important Keep Growing Detroit is not only to the efforts of the Nolan school garden but to other gardens in the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck.

Dig them potatoes!

Dig them potatoes!

Ain't they purty?

Ain’t they purty?

A happy "fierce Nolan gardener"

A happy “fierce Nolan gardener”

Following their instructions, Maura Ryan-Kaiser and Bonnie Odom-Brown loaded one of our raised beds with three different varieties of spuds, Yukon Gold, Kennebec and Red Skins. That was basically it! We watered when necessary and fortunately with all the rain we got this summer, we didn’t have to do too much of that. We did have to keep adding more soil to the bed, a process called “hilling”, but other than that it was purely a walk in the park!

Mama Mama, look what we grew!

Mama Mama, look what we grew!

A little dirty but, Mmmm Mmmm Good!

A little dirty but, Mmmm Mmmm Good!

All the young girls!

All the young girls!

Dividing up the days harvest!

Dividing up the days harvest!

Guess what's for dinner?

Guess what’s for dinner?

What did we do with the potatoes once they were harvested? Well, I would recommend using them in a frittata. There’s a lot of different frittata recipes, but I like the “Bacon and Potato Frittata”. This recipe includes a lot of the vegetables we grew in the garden this year and I bet you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Bacon and Potato Frittata

Gourmet Live | April 2012
by Gina Marie Miraglia Erique

Bacon and Potato Frittata recipe
photo by Lara Ferroni

Makes 4 servings
active time
35 minutes
total time
35 minutes

Consider the recipe below as a loose template to be altered according to what you’ve got lying around. You can substitute cooked pasta and rice for the potatoes, and cooked greens for the raw. Play around with different cheeses, or skip them altogether. It’s your chance to let your frittata freak flag fly!
• 8 large eggs
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil, parsley, or tarragon
• 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 6 slices bacon, chopped
• 1 pound potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
• 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
• 1 small onion, or more to taste, chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, or more to taste, chopped
• 2 to 3 cups spinach or arugula, coarsely chopped
• 1/2 cup chopped roasted peppers, or to taste
• 3 ounces sliced Provolone (5 to 6 slices), optional
• Special equipment: 10-inch heavy ovenproof skillet, preferably nonstick or cast-iron; heat-proof rubber spatula
Preheat broiler.
Whisk together eggs, basil, Parmesan, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper in a large bowl.
Cook bacon in a 10-inch heavy skillet over medium heat, stirring, until crisp. Transfer bacon with a slotted spoon to a large bowl then pour off all but 2 tablespoons fat.
Add potatoes and 1/4 teaspoon each of salt and pepper to skillet, and sauté over medium-high heat until golden, about 3 minutes. Cover skillet and continue to cook over medium-low heat, stirring a few times, until potatoes are just tender, about 3 minutes more. Transfer the potatoes with a slotted spoon to bowl containing the bacon.
Add 1 tablespoon oil to skillet and sauté onion and garlic over medium-high heat until pale golden, about 4 minutes, then add spinach and sauté until just wilted.
Gently add the potatoes and bacon, the roasted peppers, and remaining tablespoon oil into onion mixture, spreading it evenly.
Pour egg mixture evenly over vegetables and cook over medium-high heat, lifting up cooked egg around edges with a heat-proof rubber spatula to let uncooked egg flow underneath, 2 to 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and cook, covered, until it appears mostly set, with a moist top and center, 3 to 5 minutes more.
Remove lid. If using Provolone, broil frittata 5 to 7 inches from heat until set, but not browned, 1 to 2 minutes, then top with an even layer of cheese and continue to broil until browned and bubbling, 1 to 3 minutes (watch carefully).
If skipping the cheese, broil frittata until the top is lightly browned, 1 to 3 minutes (making sure it doesn’t burn).
If using a nonstick skillet, slide the frittata onto a serving plate. If using a cast-iron skillet, cut and serve wedges directly from the skillet.
Nutrition Information
per serving (4 servings)
• Calories623
• Carbohydrates25 g (8%)
• Fat44 g (68%)
• Protein30 g (59%)
• Saturated Fat16 g (80%)
• Sodium870 mg (36%)
• Polyunsaturated Fat5 g
• Fiber3 g (13%)
• Monounsaturated Fat20 g
• Cholesterol423 mg (141%)

* Dee Dee Sharp (Cohen, Gorman, Garrett, Dobbins, Bateman, Holland)

Nolan Elementary-Middle School’s

Planting the Seeds Garden is led and sponsored by

Be Culturally Exposed/Bonnie Odom-Brown

Snelling Staffing Services/Maura Ryan-Kaiser

Michigan First Credit Union/Mark Guimond

Project Sweet Tomato/Arthur Littsey

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Back To School!

Intercom Voice: (SQUELCH) All students in the garden club please come to the auditorium immediately. BEEP!

It’s Tuesday at Nolan Elementary-Middle School and Bonnie Odom-Brown (BE Culturally Exposed) and I (Arthur Littsey/Project Sweet Tomato) are meeting with our student gardeners for the first time. They are a rag-tag bunch that covers at least 4 different grade levels. For the first time since the move to Nolan, Planting the Seeds has an abundance of students. There are almost 20 kids of varying ages and for another first, we have strong representation from the young males of the school. 8th graders too? Yes, I am very surprised.

As you would expect, this has brought a few more challenges for the team, but we are starting to get a grip on things, with the help of some recent advice from our sponsor, Maura Ryan-Kaiser. She helped create a plan for managing so many students. One can tell that she never forgets that she is dealing with kids (I think she has the camp counselor gene) and in spite of that they can be managed effectively. And she had an immediate affect on them. She grabbed their attention and held it throughout the gardening session. They performed very well for her. And I can tell you from previous experiences that’s not a very easy thing to do.

We’ve got a lot of vegetables in the ground with more on the way, courtesy of Keep Growing Detroit. New this year will be watermelon, a new variety of sunflower, peas, strawberries (they are surviving so far), onions and sweet potatoes. We are also growing many of the standard summer vegetables, like tomatoes, green and yellow beans, garlic, zucchini, greens, cabbage, kale, broccoli, lettuces, basil, parsley, peppers, radishes and potatoes (Yukon Gold and red skins). There’s a lot going on and it would be difficult to manage without the help that we get from the Snelling Staffing Services volunteers. They are a great bunch…easy to get along with; supportive (for me that means young and strong)…that takes their volunteer work seriously and has fun doing it. It’s a lot of fun to watch them learn a few things about gardening too!

There has been a change outside the garden as well. Sandra Tomlin, the former Vice President, Community Relations, of Michigan First Credit Union, retired. She was a wonderful advocate for our little program and we thank her for her support. She has said that now that she is retired, she might pay the garden a visit. So, now would be a good time to welcome Mark Guimond as our new contact at Michigan First Credit Union. Mark’s title is Assistant Vice President – Business & Community Relationships. MFCU is active with several schools in and around Detroit and I hope that we continue to earn their support.

Pictures? Yes, here’s a few…

Getting ready to plant some onions!

Getting ready to plant some onions!


Lettuce, Cabbage and Greens

Lettuce, Cabbage and Greens

Prepping the big bed!

Prepping the big bed!

Putting the kids to work!

Putting the kids to work!

Is this a weeding party?

Is this a weeding party?

Our first peas...ever!

Our first peas…ever!

Thursday's Garden Angels!

Thursday’s Garden Angels!

Well, I’ve got to get back to work. Between home and here, there’s a lot of work that needs to get done.


This story is dedicated to one Jack Kaiser. He’s a great guy to be around and to have around. Thanks Jack…for what you do, the way you do it and for who you are!



Thanks To…


BE Culturally Exposed

MIFCU logo and tagline



And a Special Thanks to the gang at…

Keep Growing Detroit


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